Actress Savita Bajaj is in Dire need of Financial Help: ‘I Have Spent All The Money On My Failing Health’


COVID-19 has affected many actors especially senior actors as they ran out of work, leading to the financial crisis. After Shagufta Ali, yet another veteran actress  Savita Bajaj revealed that she is in need of financial help. The 79-year-old actress revealed running out of money due to her medical treatment and now surviving on amounts paid by writers’ association and CINTAA Rs. 2500 and Rs. 5000 respectively. However, these amounts are not sufficient to meet her medical bills which are far more than those.

Actress Savita Bajaj is in Dire need of Financial Help: ‘I Have Spent All The Money On My Failing Health’

Actress Savita Bajaj is in Dire need of Financial Help: ‘I Have Spent All The Money On My Failing Health’
Actress Savita Bajaj is in Dire need of Financial Help: ‘I Have Spent All The Money On My Failing Health’

As per the reports in Etimes, She said, “My savings have dried up. I have spent all the money on my failing health. I have developed serious breathing issues and don’t know how I will manage now.” The veteran actress further added, “The writers’ association had helped me with rupees one lakh in 2016 after I was hospitalized following an accident. CINTAA, too, had helped me with `50,000. But today, I am not in a condition to work owing to my poor health. I have every intention to pay back the money once I resume work, but right now, I’m not in a condition to work due to my poor health.”

Further stating that “she doesn’t have anyone to take care of her, she also narrated a heartbreaking moment, when her family refused to accept her. She adds, “Sadly, I have nobody who can take care of me today. Around 25 years ago, I had decided to move back to my hometown, Delhi, but no one in my family wanted to keep me. I have earned a lot, helped those in need, but today I need help.”