Durgamati is the story of An IAS officer, played by Bhumi Pednekar, who falls prey to a major political conspiracy involving powerful forces. Due to which, she is imprisoned in a haunted house where the officers will interrogate her in the corruption case. However, in the course of the investigation, she will experience some scary incidents. The film, which was initially titled Durgavati, has been changed to Durgamati after some controversy.
Durgamati Trailer Out: Bhumi Pednekar’s powerful yet Scary performance will give you all scariness
Akshay Kumar in an interview said; “It is the first time that I am helming a film alone and it is exciting as well as nerve-wracking. There is a lot of responsibility on me. I have been very fortunate as an artist and I’m proud of my journey in cinema so far. So, I’m grateful for this opportunity.” Along with Bhoomi Pednekar, the film consists of Arshad Warsi, Karan Kapadia, and Mahie Gill in pivotal roles.
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