Honey Singh’s Wife Shalini Talwar filed a case against him for Domestic violence, Mental harasment and Physical Abuse


Honey Singh has been in the limelight after his wife Shalini Tiwari filed a case against him for alleged domestic violence. The singer’s wife has also approached the Delhi court for physical and mental abuse from her husband. Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Tania Singh has issued notice to the singer and given time to him till 28th august to file a reply in this matter.

Honey Singh’s Wife Shalini Talwar filed a case against him for Domestic violence, Mental harassment, and Physical Abuse

Honey Singh's Wife Shalini Talwar filed case against him for Domestic violance, Mental harrasement and Physical Abuse
Honey Singh’s Wife Shalini Talwar filed a case against him for Domestic violence, Mental harassment and Physical Abuse

At the time of the show, India’s Raw Star Honey Singh introduced her wife Shalini to the world. During the show, he revealed something an\bout his wife and said,”A day before India’s Raw Star was to be launched, I was feeling nervous and refused to shoot. But my wife Shalini helped me. She took me back to the studio and stood there till the time I shot for the episode. She has been my support system. A true friend whom I listen always and I believe that she is always right.”

Son after the news came, ANI had tweeted, “Case filed against Bollywood singer & actor ‘Yo Yo Honey Singh (Hirdesh Singh) by his wife Shalini Talwar under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act. Delhi’s Tis Hazari Court has issued notice to the singer and sought his response over it.”