Newly Wed Kajal Aggrawal on Monday shared in her Instagram post being diagnosed with Bronchial Asthma Attack at the age of 5. From being restricted to consume certain food items, to how a change in the weather especially winter, flared up her health issue. Fortunately, inhalers came to her rescue, post which she mentioned inhalers were must in her travelling pouch. Being one who has been using inhalers for years now, she mentioned how people should not take it as a stigma and go ahead and use it.
Newlywed Kajal Aggrawal Reveals that She was Diagnosed with Bronchial Asthama At the Age of 5

She further wrote, “Now it’s the one thing that I make sure to always carry with me. Sure I get the odd question or a judgemental look every now and then. And while it does not bother me, there are millions of people in our country who need inhalers, but choose not to use them because of this very problem – social stigma. There’s nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to using an inhaler, privately or publicly.”
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