Rhidima Kapoor Sahni, daughter of late veteran actor Rishi Kapoor turned a year older on Wednesday. Her mother Neetu Kapoor and cousin Kareena Kapoor Khan showered love and wished her. Neetu Kapoor made a heartfelt post for Riddhima and wished her. The actress shared a picture of Rhidima with her husband, Bharat Sahni, and their daughter Samara Sahni. Neetu Kapoor gave her followers a sneak peek from the intimate family dinner in Udaipur.
Neetu Kapoor Wishes ‘Lifeline’ Rhidima Kapoor Sahni on her Birthday; Kareena Kapoor Khan Showers love on cousin
Neetu Kapoor wrote, “Happy birthday my lifeline @riddhimakapoorsahniofficial (sic)” In the picture, Riddhima is standing next to her husband Bharat Sahni and Neetu Kapoor. Her daughter Samara is sitting comfortably next to her grandma.
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